Dr Atiya Mosam

Public Health Medicine Specialist; Senior Researcher: PRICELESS SA - SAMRC/Centre for Health Economics
and Decision Science; Director, Common Purpose South Africa,
Johannesburg, South Africa

Dr Atiya Mosam is a proudly South African medical doctor. She completed her medical degree in 2007 at the University of the Witwatersrand and worked for the Johannesburg Metro District Health Services at Mofolo Community Health Centre in Soweto before joining the University of the Witwatersrand, School of Public Health as a Public Health Medicine Registrar in 2015. She is currently a Public Health Medicine Specialist who also holds a Masters of Public Health (Policy and Management) and a Masters Of Medicine (Community Health).

Atiya holds an interest in healthcare financing and economics as well as health promotion and prevention for non-communicable diseases. She aspires to contribute towards health for all South Africans and her passion for social upliftment extends beyond her career to involvement in numerous projects aimed at increasing awareness of and funding to various causes such a homelessness and HIV-affected youth. She has also served on various Executive Committees, including a role as the Secretary of the Public Health Association of South Africa.